Today we caught up with champion Australian all-rounder Shane Watson. Shane had previously found Q Magnets extremely helpful for low back pain during long haul flights. This is a common application for Q Magnets for the travelling sports professional as in the case of Queensland Reds’ Adam Wallace-Harrison and former All Black David Hill.

Shane Watson with Q Magnets inventors, James & Dianne Hermans
Shane was recommended to try Q Magnets by Victor Popov to help overcome some difficult injuries that were not responding to normal treatment. We made the effort to personally deliver them and go through some other applications such as bruising. He was sporting a nice deep purple bruise on the calf from a cricket ball, one of the hazards of batting. See some of the results of Q Magnet application on bruising in this video with professional motocross rider Steve Sommerfeld.
Shane mentioned that for modern athletes, maintaining health and fitness is just as important as the skill of the sport. Obviously if you’re injured and out of the game, it doesn’t matter how good your skills are. This is where Q Magnets are a fantastic adjunct therapy for the athlete that wants to recover faster.
For acute injuries, simply tape them on directly over the area, even use them under ice packs. Keep them on for the duration of the injury and you may be surprised at how quickly you get back to your sport and make life a lot more comfortable during the recovery. You may also find you can train and perform with greater intensity and less pain while the injury is healing.
Q Magnets are a no-brainer for the modern athlete wanting to recover faster from injury.