Knee Pain Treatment Protocol
Your Pain >> Q Magnet Prescription for knee pain:
Simple knee pain
Q Magnets can be placed in either of two arrays depending on the intensity of the pain. The first is intended for mild to moderate pain. Feel for the joint spaces or grooves on either side of the kneecap by bending the knee forward and back. Place a Q Magnet on either side of the knee in these two joint spaces.
In some cases, it’s important to capture a larger area with the magnetic field. To do so, add a Q Magnet above and below the knee in the joint spaces, again by feeling for the grooves at the top and bottom of the kneecap, while bending the knee back and forth. Placement should resemble a diamond shape around the kneecap.
Q Magnets for Knee Pain
Articles & Testimonials for Knee Pain Treatment with Q Magnets
“I am pleased enough with the results that I am ordering the Low Back bundle.” – Candace
Age: 72 Describe health and/or pain before using Q Magnets, be as specific as possible w.r.t pain areas and type of pain:My daily walk and workout was being interrupted by pain in the Right knee, hip, and low back. The pain also interfered with my sleep. I bought one...
Alfred says, “These are serious elite products for pain management” and he sings “I’m a believer!” by The Munkees!
Thanks for the good service and fast delivery. Your products are clearly first rate; and the magnetic strength of these products is remarkable. These are serious elite products for pain management. From the moment I put on the strong magnets, my back pain quickly...
I love to walk to keep fit and Q Magnets allows me to do so. I feel happier when I am healthier and more mobile.
I’ve been having trouble with my knee joints, especially when climbing stairs and I found that it was difficult to bend my knees. They felt stiff and the range of movement was restricted. I started to feel pain at night also. For the last 6 weeks I’ve been using Q...
Anterior Cruciate Ligament injuries on the rise globally
In the US around 100,000-200,000 Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) ruptures occur every year, although since these figures are provided by colleges and high schools in the US, they do not include injuries outside formalised sport and so the actual number may be even...
Guidelines for the treatment of osteoarthritis are changing
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners have developed new guidelines for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee and hip. The statistics were showing that too many hip and knee replacements procedures were not helping patients and many were simply...
Mixed Martial Arts Fighter using Q Magnets to Recover from Sports Injuries
Paul “The Gentleman” Bradley is an All-American Wrestler and MMA fighter. Full-contact combat sports bring significant stresses on the body. See video and learn how Q Magnets have been a useful tool in helping recover from sports injuries.