
Steve Sommerfeld 12 months Q Magnets case history

Bruises, Extreme Sports, Sport

Steve Sommerfeld is a professional motocross rider and as what would be considered an extreme sport, Steve has presented with a number of injuries that have put the therapeutic properties of Q Magnets to their test. Watch this three minute video complete with images of the injuries being discusses.

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Q Magnet therapy for bruising

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Since 2009, Q Magnets have led the way with the world’s most advanced magnetic therapy devices.  We provide a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and deliver worldwide.

We are dedicated to support our products with sound advice from experienced health professionals to achieve the best results!



Got Q Magnets ?

Since 2009, Q Magnets have led the way with the world’s most advanced magnetic therapy devices.  We provide a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and deliver worldwide.

We are dedicated to support our products with sound advice from experienced health professionals to achieve the best results!

