Plantar surface foot pain (not to be confused with heel spurs) is a common complaint from many an athlete, both young and old. Pain can be caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a ligament that runs under the foot from the heel bone to the toes.

Pain from inflammation and minor sprains and strains is where Q Magnets can potentially provide comfort or localized temporary relief of minor aches and pains. Hopefully helping you get back to your sport sooner.

Q Magnets Application For Plantar Fasciitis. Click for larger image.

Q Magnets Application For Minor Plantar Surface Foot Pain. Click for larger image.

NOTE: When using Q Magnets as an adjunctive therapy for minor plantar surface foot pain (or any minor sprain or strain for that matter), do not deviate from your prescribed treatment, simply use the magnets in addition. Also, if you are finding significant relief, do not cease your recommended treatment, but continue with it for the rehabilitation period until the injury has completely healed.

What Should I Expect?

The feedback from many athletes is typically less pain and a smoother recovery. So you can return to your sport and/or work activities sooner.

Where to Place Your Q Magnet(s)?

It’s vital to locate the precise area of the injury. You may require medical advice to determine the exact point, but for plantar surface foot pain it should not be difficult to locate the most painful area by palpating. The most common areas are the two insertion points; over the calcaneus and/or the metatarsal heads. Place the Q Magnet directly over the injured tissue, so the Quadrapolar magnetic field envelopes the target tissue, i.e. the injury site.

Another placement for long term conditions, especially when both feet are affected is a central placement over S1, i.e. following the dermatomes to the first sacral segment.

Which Q Magnet do I Use?

Not only does the magnet need to be placed directly over the tear, it’s important to use a large enough device so that the field captures the entire target tissue. The minimum sized device we would recommend is the QF20-3 (covers 20mm or 3/4″) and ideally the  QF28-3 (covers 28mm or 1″ diameter). You can also use the smallest Q6-1.5 devices with plasters during the day as they are small enough to wear inside the shoe.

When to Apply?

For best results, apply the Q Magnet immediately after the injury or as soon as it becomes painful to help reduce the likelihood of it becoming a chronic condition.

How Long do I Leave it on?

The action of Q Magnets for injury recovery is that of a subtle and sustained effect. So for best results, it’s important to leave them on 24/7 or as long as practical. It’s difficult to wear the larger devices inside a shoe, so use them at night and during the day, use the Q6-1.5. It’s safe to apply ice right over the top, but if you are receiving other therapies such as acupuncture or low level laser (LLLT), simply remove the Q Magnet for the treatment and reapply right after. In fact, there appears to be a positive synergistic effect when combining Q Magnets with acupuncture and LLLT.

In using static magnetic field therapy, there are 7 variables and it’s not just a matter of slapping on a common bipolar magnet. By using the most appropriate device with an optimised field, with the right treatment protocol, you will be more likely to experience the health benefits so you can get back to your favourite activities sooner.

What’s the Evidence?

Published Study:
A published study investigated the effects of a static magnetic field on an induced tendon injury in dogs. Histological evaluation after 30 days showed that the active group had reduced inflammatory cells and increased blood vessel proliferation and collagen formation over the control. The dogs treated with the active magnet were also able to weight bear sooner, see reference here.

Case Study:
For a comparable injury,  see here for a case of a Grade III calf strain.

Remember, Q Magnets when cared for will last for decades so they can be used routinely for all sorts of current and future injuries and pain such as bruising, minor shin pain, hamstring strains and low back pain. While purchasing the larger devices (such as QF28-3) might be a little more expensive up front, it provides greater flexibility for future use. The Q Bonus Packages offer the best value and a variety of devices to choose from.

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