Dean Mineall is an  elite up and coming pistol shooter. Hours spent on the pistol range caused an overuse strain of the extensor carpi radialis muscle located on the back of the forearm.  It was a very localised and specific pain that become worse when his thumb gripped the pistol.

It went on for months and got to the stage that it was difficult for Dean to even hold a cup. He treated it with everything he knew – trigger point therapy, laser therapy, soft tissue mobilisation and dry needling. Treatment would help immediately but the pain returned as soon as he recommenced training.

In a chance meeting I explained the benefits of Q Magnet application and in particular the advantage of being able to wear the device for 24/7 as opposed to dry needling which are removed at the end of the treatment.

Dean was becoming desperate and even though his professional training made him very sceptical, he was open minded enough to try Q Magnet therapy. He used a QF20-2 device and placed the magnetic field therapy device directly over the pain. He was quite surprised as there was improvement within half an hour. He went to shooting practice later that day and felt it was 60% better and by the end of the night he had no pain at all.

Dean left the Q Magnet on constantly for three days, just to make sure. Now six months later, the pain has never returned even though he has quadrupled his target practice training. Importantly, Dean did nothing different after placing the Q Magnet over the pain and was extremely surprised with the outcome.

Dean says… ”Physiotherapists are sceptical by nature and if you had of told me all I had to do was to place the Q Magnet and in a few days my injury would be completely healed, I wouldn’t have believed it”.

In a previous post we have discussed the limitations of Q Magnet therapy, including the need for rest and behaviour modification where the injury stems from overuse. In this case, there was no rest or modification of behaviour at the time of the therapy.

The pain seemed to originate at a very specific and localised trigger point and maybe the therapeutic effect of the Q Magnet device dispersed the inflammatory chemicals and reduced the inflammation to promote the injury recovery.