I have been using Q-Magnets for a couple of years now. When I have had a particularly tough week of training I tend to get a stiff lower back. When this occurs I use Q-Magnets. Immediately after training I tape two magnets, one either side of my spine to my lower back. I usually leave them on overnight, waking up the next day with a greater range of movement. I also get good results from using Q-Magnets whilst travelling. Travelling is obviously a major part of playing professional rugby and being 6 ft 6, a part that I have never particularly enjoyed. In the past before long flights I would take anti-inflammatory’s or worst case scenario if my lower back is particularly tight, muscle relaxants. Now that I use Q-Magnets I no longer need to use such drugs.
Positive Study: Static Magnetic Field Therapy Effectively Relieves Neck and Back Pain
A recent study published in Complementary Medicine Research explored the efficacy of static magnetic field (SMF) therapy using neodymium magnets in alleviating pain and improving overall quality of life in patients with mechanical neck pain (MNP) and mechanical low...