Lower Back Pain Treatment using Q Magnets Therapy

Read this low-back pain treatment guide to see how Q Magnets may be applied for treating lower back pain with magnetic therapy. 

magnetic field therapy for low back pain

* Q Magnets are not intended to be a substitute for any medical treatment that is recommended or prescribed by your doctor or health care professional. If you suspect an UNDERLYING MEDICAL PROBLEM, or your pain is severe and cannot be relieved with the use of these devices, please consult your health care provider.

How to use Q Magnets >> Q Magnet Treatment for Low-Back Pain

The first device is placed at the base of the spine just above the cleavage in the buttocks.

The second and third devices are placed over the dimples on either side of the spine just over the buttocks.

The fourth device is placed midline on the spine. To find this placement, draw a line between the highest portion of each hipbone and place the device where the line crosses the midline on the back on the spine.

The fifth device is placed midline on the spine, approximately 50mm (2 inches) above the fourth device.

lower back pain treatment with magnet therapy

Alternative low back placement

The first and second devices are placed over the dimples on either side of the spine just over the buttocks. The third device is placed over a “bridge” of tape approximately 25mm (1 inch) below the cleavage of the buttocks. Create a “bridge” by placing a piece of tape from one buttocks across to the other. Place directly on top of the “bridge” of tape with a double-stick adhesive. Secure the Q Magnets in place with an added piece of tape over the top of the device.

Lower Back Pain Treatment using Magnetic Therapy Magnets

When to use the OF50-3?

Magnet placement for lower back pain can be optimized with different sized devices. The magnetic fields of the devices can interfere with each other, if placed too close together. Keep the larger magnets separated by about an inch (25mm).

If the best effects are experienced by applying a multipolar magnetic field over L4/5 and L5/S1, then this will require the larger OF50-3 magnet as it will cover both adjacent levels. Whereas the QF28-6 need to be separated and skip a spinal level.


These are recommendations from neurologists and physiotherapists who have used Q Magnets extensively in a clinical setting. See the Q Magnets products page for a description of each device, including the sizes and penetration depths.

It is important to get the right dose of magnetic field to the target tissue, otherwise there will be little or no effect. This may require using the information supplied with your order and on this website with a bit of trial and error to achieve the optimal placement. The best results are usually achieved by seeing an appropriately trained health professional such as a doctor or physiotherapist using their own clinical reasoning and neural anatomy to find the most effective placements.

As a general rule, the larger devices such as the QF28-6 and QF28-3 should be used centrally over the spine and over the larger deeper nerves such as the sciatic nerve, the smaller Q Magnets such as the QF20-3 and QF15-2 should be used peripherally over areas such as the elbow and wrist and the smallest models QF10-2Q6-1.5 used on trigger points. With each pain episode, you may require a larger Q Magnet and as the pain diminishes substitute with a smaller device to maintain your pain free state.

The smaller devices such as the QF20-2 have a lower profile, hence may be more comfortable for daily use. The Q6-1.5 is very small and only requires a small round plaster to apply it to the body, hence it is very comfortable and inconspicuous to wear, but has a shallow penetration and a very small active surface area and is unlikely to be effective over the lower back or neck or the larger joints such as the hip, knee, shoulder, ankle and elbow.

The largest Q Magnet, the OF50-3 has the advantage of covering a larger active surface area (the active surface area of the Q Magnet is the boundary line between the alternating poles, this is where the magnetic field gradient is at its steepest) and penetrates to around 35mm or 1.4′. Whereas the QF28-6 and QF28-3 models cannot cover two adjacent spinal levels such as L4/5 and L5/S1 since they have to be separated by an inch or 2.5cm, the OF50-3 can cover two adjacent levels which can make all the difference if required.

Magnetic Mattress Pads and Pain Relief Magnets for Back Pain


For best value consider the Q Bonus Packages or try our magnetic therapy blankets for an even more superior treatment. Visit our magnetic therapy shop to learn more.

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