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Sep 18, 2018 | Compare Healing Magnets

Watch the following short video and learn why Q Magnets are a superior design to Magna Bloc so as to give you a more powerful and targeted therapeutic magnet…

How did we come to manufacture Q Magnets and how do they differ to Magna Bloc?

Dr Robert Holcomb MD PhD, was the pioneer researcher and original inventor of Quadrapolar magnets and licensed the smaller consumer devices to Amway Corporation under the name Magna Bloc from 1997 to around 2007, depending on the country. We first became acquainted with Dr Holcomb in 1999, below is a picture taken in Canberra in 1999 with James & Dianne Hermans, Dr Robert Holcomb and Barbie McCullough.

Dr Holcomb, Barbie McCullough, James and Dianne Hermans

In 1999, Dianne was already an experienced physiotherapist working in private practice (Lifestyle Pain Clinic) with a special interest in chronic and complex pain. Dianne also suffered from chronic headaches after two whiplash injuries.  Every weekend she would load up on anti-inflammatory pain medication.

To Dianne, Magna Bloc was a life saver! Even though as a physiotherapist she was highly sceptical, she quickly worked out that these amazing devices worked. She was now able to self-manage her neck pain and headaches with a therapy that was simple and convenient to apply with no side-effects and now required only occasional pain medication.

Dianne then began using Magna Bloc with many of her more difficult-to-treat patients and the following year Dr Robert Holcomb ran a professional development program at her clinic (see photo below).

Magna Bloc Seminar by Dr Robert Holcomb

Over the next 10 years, Dianne treated thousands of her own patients and made multiple trips to the Vanderbilt University Medical Clinic for personal training with Dr Holcomb and presented many case studies at national and international professional conferences, such as…

Sports Medicine Australia conference in 2001: See Presentation

International Conference of Physiotherapy in 2002: See Presentation

After a bitter court battle with investors, Dr Holcomb left the Magna Bloc project in around 2006. Soon after, Amway discontinued supplying Magna Bloc. Dianne likened the prospect of not being able to treat with them with having one hand tied behind her back.

Necessity was the mother of invention and a few years later, Q Magnets were born with a new and improved design.

Magna Bloc Q Magnets comparrison

The top image is the original Magna Bloc design as seen through a magnet viewer with four bipolar disc magnets arranged into a quadrapolar array. The middle and bottom are Q Magnets with one magnetic body magnetised into a Quadrapolar magnet or Q Magnet.

Now with the introduction of Hexapolar and Octapolar magnets, there is much greater scope to optimize the therapy. That is, select the best device to deliver the optimal magnetic field to the target tissue for the best therapeutic effect. The target tissue could be around a joint such as for knee pain, over a vertebral disc for back pain or over acupuncture or acupressure points.

Q Magnets are now protected by Australian Patent no. 2010246907

Standard Patent Magnetic Therapy Apparatus - Q Magnets

See the following useful links for differences between Quadrapolar, Hexapolar and Octapolar and how the magnets penetrate relative to the body.

Magna Bloc double sided adhesives

Magna Bloc double sided adhesives are equivalent to the QFix28 and can be be ordered here:

Watch the following YouTube video on how to apply Q Magnets using the double sided adhesive…

There is no comparison

Since 2009, Q Magnets have led the way with the world’s most advanced magnetic field therapy devices and methods.  We provide a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and deliver worldwide.

We are dedicated to support our products with sound advice from experienced health professionals to achieve the best results!

