Leg Pain Treatment Protocol
Your Pain >> Q Magnet Prescription for Legs and Thigh pain:
Testimonials for Leg Pain Treatment with Q Magnets
“The reduction in pain on my lower back and down my leg is amazing! I am able to go about my daily life without pain.” – Zoila
Describe health and/or pain before using Q Magnets, be as specific as possible w.r.t pain areas and type of pain:I have to say the huge magnet, octapopar! I just purchased are heaven sent. It has controlled my lower back pain and sciatica incredibly!I have been using...
I like the fact that I can get instant drug-free relief for muscular problems
I'm 70 and I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis so have lots of sore, tender spots that come and go, mainly in my lower back and shoulders. A bad trigger point can make life very difficult and hamper movement.Before using Q Magnets my pain levels were 7/10. I've...
Shin soreness threatens competing in marathon – no worries with Q Magnets.
I have a passion for running and love marathons. On 12th August, 2009 I suffered a stress fracture of the distal 1/3 of my right tibia following an aggressive speed workout. I had no intention to defer my plans to run in the up and coming Boston and qualifying...