
Shin soreness threatens competing in marathon – no worries with Q Magnets.

by | Oct 13, 2009 | Bone Fracture, Doctor, Leg Pain, Testimonials

I have a passion for running and love marathons. On 12th August, 2009 I suffered a stress fracture of the distal 1/3 of my right tibia following an aggressive speed workout. I had no intention to defer my plans to run in the up and coming Boston and qualifying Marathons and persisted training until the pain become unbearable and I could barely walk, let alone run.

In surgery the following week I asked a colleague for suggestions to encourage quicker healing. He put me onto the magnet literature and, after googling magnet therapy supplies, I found Q Magnets. I immediately ordered a set and had them expressed couriered to my home.

My Q Magnet order arrived on the 25th August and I immediately applied them. Within 5-10 minutes I had almost 80% reduction in pain and was able to walk around the house virtually pain-free! Wow!

I applied 2 QF28-6 magnets on either side of the painful area of the shin, and a single HF28-6 directly over the point of maximal tenderness during the day. I combined this with absolute rest, no running. My gait returned to normal, and I no longer required narcotics, anti-inflammatories, or topical agents.

Two ProQ's taped over tibia with Hypafix tape

I have just finished my qualifying marathon for the Boston in the time 3:45 which is OK for a mere mortal. In terms of my experience with Q Magnets, I commenced using them 2 weeks after my shins became sore and wore them for six weeks, with rest before just completing the marathon on 21st September. The significant points are:

1. I finished the marathon.
2. I had no problems with the shin soreness.
3. I am now pain- free and already training for my next marathon.

I am grateful for the influence that Q Magnets had on my recovery.

To achieve these results, I utilized a dual-phase regimen. During the daytime, I placed a single HF28-6 magnet over the point of maximal tenderness (secured with hypafix tape). At night, I applied two QF28-6 magnets on either side of the fracture, spaced 6 cm apart.

The only other therapeutic modality added to the above was REST.

I have passed along the virtues of Q Magnets to many of my running friends and professional colleagues. It is also my intent to use them selectively in my own practice.

I am more than happy to have you use this e-mail as testimony to the objective efficacy of Q Magnets in my case.

Although I, along with many, cannot be certain as to the precise biological explanation surrounding the physiology of Q Magnet action, it is irrefutable in my case that they were, nevertheless, highly effective.

For now, we have theories, like so many demonstrable events in nature. These answers may come with further research. Until then, Q Magnets are a viable option for pain relief that is simple, effective, and unlike many other remedies, is without complications.

Best regards,

Mark R. Thibert


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Since 2009, Q Magnets have led the way with the world’s most advanced magnetic therapy devices.  We provide a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and deliver worldwide.

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Got Q Magnets ?

Since 2009, Q Magnets have led the way with the world’s most advanced magnetic therapy devices.  We provide a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and deliver worldwide.

We are dedicated to support our products with sound advice from experienced health professionals to achieve the best results!

