Q Magnets are often attached with sports tape, but some people with sensitive or hairy skin or just for convenience sake, may prefer a type of brace.


Magnet placement for carpal tunnel syndrome

Magnet attached with sports tape for carpal tunnel syndrome.


Your Q Magnets can be attached to any type of comfortable, but firm fitting brace. Keep in mind the following points…

  1. Placing the magnet on the inside of the brace will hold it securely.
  2. Ensure the orientation arrow is pointing towards the head.
  3. Make sure the label with flux plate, is facing away from the body. That is, the silver side facing the skin.
  4. Best to use a firm fitting brace, so it’s less likely to slide around.
  5. Attach the magnet with Velcro, double sided adhesive, by sewing or with a glue such as Shoegoo.
  6. Can be placed on the outside of the brace, as the magnetic field is only shielded by materials containing iron. However, the bigger the space between the magnet and the skin, the weaker the field penetrating into the body.


The following video demonstrates how to glue magnets inside a knee brace. Can also be used with your favourite brace or wrap for say ankle pain, elbow pain or back pain.


For a safe hypoallergenic sports tape, we recommend Fixomull® (also sold under the name Hypafix®) and in North America sold under the name Cover-Roll® by BSN Medical.