Last year (2010) I suffered a recurrence of a thoracic back injury I first sustained playing golf in 2008.  Xrays revealed some bone calcification and subsequent movement had caused inflammation and a slight mis-shape.  The result of this was  some moderate to severe pain which, at times made it difficult to walk without experiencing sharp thoracic back pain with every footfall.  As a result I was taking a regular dose of moderate painkillers, which were not very effective.  On the horizon was a trip to the doctors for more powerful medication.

Though I was extremely sceptical at the time, I was persuaded by my wife to try one of James Hermans’ larger neuromagnets, taped to the site of the pain.  The effect was both instantaneous and startling.  Within seconds the sharp, shooting pain had subsided, so much so that I could easily walk, run, bend etc without pain!  I was completely taken aback, having always been very sceptical of anything other than the usual tried and tested medical methods of pain relief.

Eventually, reluctantly, I decided to remove the neuromagnet after a couple of days.  I became concerned that the lack of pain was so complete that I may be doing unknown damage to my injury due to the lack of “warning”!  Although the pain returned to some degree it wasn’t as bad afterwwards, which may well be due to a gradual settling down of the injury site.  The injury has since subsided without incident.  I would certainly use neuromagnets in future for moderate to severe acute back pain relief.  The results spoke for themselves.

Christopher Elves
Score composer for Film and Television.