Yesterday I bumped into Australian Rules footballer Daniel Merrett of the Brisbane Lions. Daniel is a long time user of Q Magnets for back pain and while competing against the Geelong Cats power forward Tom Hawkins, thought he could feel something taped to his back. Daniel asked if he was wearing a Q Magnet and sure enough; he was!

Tom’s back pain was the subject of much conjecture in the media. But after using Q Magnets in combination with a range of other treatments, seems to have put the debilitating back pain behind him.

Back pain affects around 80% of the population at some time and can suck the joy out of life. Thousands of people around the world like John have used Quadrapolar technology to conquer back pain.

See these case studies published in Paediatric Neurology to see what’s possible for adolescents suffering long term back pain.

Are you a sufferer of back pain? Order your set today with our no risk 30 day customer satisfaction guarantee.

Daniel Merrett wrestling Tom Hawkins

Daniel Merrett wrestling Tom Hawkins