Since we see many articles on the web with regard to magnetic therapy, we decided to create a page to assist you with your own research. These articles are both positive and negative and are not necessarily specific to Q Magnets.
- abc News Jan 9, 2008 – Magnets Can Reduce Inflammation, at Least in Rats, New Research Shows
- University of Virginia Jan 9, 2008 – Healing Value Of Magnets Demonstrated In Biomedical Engineering Study
- US National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine article on Magnets for Pain – accessed May, 2009
US National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine article on Magnets for Pain – accessed May, 2009 Makes no reference to Dr Holcomb’s work or magnetic field gradients. States thatstatic magnetic fields do not change; but when ions flow through a steep field gradient,the effect simulates a changing field.
- Science Daily Aug 9, 2007 – The strongest magnet in the world at 26.8 Tesla
- BBC News May 24, 2007 – Magnets help regrow brain cells
- UCSF Children’s Hospital March 17, 2007 – Using magnets to correct sunken chest;
FDA approve magnets as safe for long term exposure.
- Times Online Feb 26, 2006 – NHS approve Magnetic Leg Wrap for doctor’s prescription
- Science Daily Dec 17, 2004 – Magnetic Bracelets Reduce The Pain Of Osteoarthritis, Study Finds
- Science Daily Sep 9, 1999 – Another article criticising the effectiveness of magnetic therapy but makes no reference to magnetic field gradients but tries to compare some therapeutic magnets to fridge magnets which is just laughable.
- A running discourse refuting a magnetic therapy skeptic – well worth a read.