The Internet is abuzz with medical sites and journalists praising researchers for a promising new pain drug called conolidine.

Extracted from the bark of the tabernaemontana divaricate tree, chemists recently devised a way to synthesise conolidine and one trial with mice suggested that it could reduce inflammatory pain. While any news like this is always encouraging and should rightly be applauded, there are many steps and years before it might be commercially available.

All the basic sciences still need to be undertaken with cell studies and animal studies to evaluate its safety and efficacy. It’s not as if the bark of this plant has been in the natural food chain for centuries, so human trials would then need to commence. Once again testing for safety and efficacy and this all assumes it can be synthesized on a large scale and commercially viable.

Meanwhile, many such experiments have already been undertaken on the safety and efficacy of static magnets that produce an inhomogeneous field. Cell studies, animal studies, case studies and even randomized controlled trials have been undertaken over the past 20 years and show tremendous promise for the treatment of pain, but where are all the news articles informing the public?

A number of key experiments have been conducted in Hungary, investigating the effects of inhomogeneous static magnetic fields on pain in mice. As an example, Gyires (2008)1, showed a very significant reduction in pain reaction with mice (see table below) as did other studies by Laszlo (2007)2 and Antal (2009)3. Now these experiments provided a whole-body magnetic exposure to the mice, which could be having an effect on anything from the peripheral receptors to the brain. This is not unlike the systemic nature of drug therapy. While Q Magnet therapy is very specific as it is applied directly over the affected area.

Table showing pain inhibition data

Table showing data collected by Gyires showing the pain inhibition of an inhomogeneous static magnetic field on mice.


Our main point here is that we are not talking about a therapy that may or may not be available in 10 or 20 years. Q Magnets are commercially available now, are TGA listed, safe and affordable and long term pain sufferers such as John are living pain free today!



1. Gyires, K., Z. S. Zadori, et al. (2008). “Pharmacological analysis of inhomogeneous  static magnetic field-induced antinociceptive action in the mouse.” Bioelectromagnetics 29(6): 456-462.

2. Laszlo, J., J. Reiczigel, et al. (2007). “Optimization of static magnetic field parameters improves analgesic effect in mice.” Bioelectromagnetics 28(8): 615-627.

3. Antal, M. and J. Laszlo (2009). “Exposure to inhomogeneous static magnetic field ceases mechanical allodynia in neuropathic pain in mice.” Bioelectromagnetics 30(6): 438-445.