Upper Back Treatment Protocol
Your Pain >> Q Magnet Prescription for upper back pain treatment:

For pain in the area of the spine, the device is placed over the area of pain and tenderness. If you have localized pain, try placing the device directly over the discomfort. Preferably place between bony prominences. This picture uses the neck placement for reference.
Q Magnets for Upper Back Pain
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Upper Back Pain Treatment with Q Magnets Testimonials
I like the fact that I can get instant drug-free relief for muscular problems
I'm 70 and I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis so have lots of sore, tender spots that come and go, mainly in my lower back and shoulders. A bad trigger point can make life very difficult and hamper movement.Before using Q Magnets my pain levels were 7/10. I've...
Saving the liver from lots of pain medication after thoracic back pain
Last year (2010) I suffered a recurrence of a thoracic back injury I first sustained playing golf in 2008. Xrays revealed some bone calcification and subsequent movement had caused inflammation and a slight mis-shape. The result of this was some...
“The QMagnet worked like magic. I couldn’t believe how fast and effective it was. I am soooo delighted”
I've had a pinched nerve in my upper back area now for over 8 months and have spent $1000's on physio, chiropractic and even acupuncture. All made very little difference to the problem (not even really temporary relief). Lucky for me I came across the QMagnet stand at...
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