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“The reduction in pain on my lower back and down my leg is amazing! I am able to go about my daily life without pain.” – Zoila

Describe health and/or pain before using Q Magnets, be as specific as possible w.r.t pain areas and type of pain:
I have to say the huge magnet, octapopar! I just purchased are heaven sent. It has controlled my lower back pain and sciatica incredibly!
I have been using magnets since 1999 with amazing results for the “old” herniated disc on my neck, my knee, etc.
I’m so glad I found your company. I will be recommending it to my family and friends.

Level of pain before Q Magnets use (one or more areas) (1-10):

How long have you been using the Q Magnets (in days):
Almost a month

How long before you started to notice effects from using Q Magnets? (in days):
Less than an hour

Level of pain after 15 days of Q Magnets use (1-10):

Describe improvements after 1 month or more of using Q Magnets:
I have not experienced any pain down my leg or numbness on my foot at all.

Level of pain after 1 month of regular Q Magnets use (1-10):

How often do you use Q Magnets?

What is your average time per treatment?
All day, sometimes I sleep with it also

How do you use Q Magnets? Where do you place the magnets? Which magnets are used?
The octapolar OF50-3, I use on my lower back with the plate or the double adhesive. I also use the quadrapolar on my neck and shoulder as needed.

Which magnets are you using the most?
The octapolar OF50-3 on my lower back. I use the quadrapolar on my neck.

What have you liked most about using Q magnets and what difference have they made to your quality of life?
The reduction in pain on my lower back and down my leg is amazing! I am able to go about my daily life without pain. Before the magnet it was difficult to walk and do my daily life. The hope that with continued use the pain on my lower back will diminish long term.

Would you recommend Q Magnets to friends and family?

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