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The pain was like having a bulldog clip pinching the skin very tightly and it was shooting in different directions.

Stephanie Kennar

In late June 2008, I visited my GP as I was experiencing thoracic pain around my ribs and under my right arm pit. The GP referred me immediately to the Mercy Breast Unit where I saw Dr Elaine Bevington. I was reassured somewhat by the ultrasound results but the pain started to intensify.

Over the next month the pain became unbearable and I saw 4 different GP’s seeking answers. The pain was like having a bulldog clip pinching the skin very tightly and it was shooting in different directions. No one could confidently identify the cause of the pain which was somewhat complicated as the ultrasound was clear. At this time I was taking up to 10 Nurofen Plus per day but this would only slightly take the edge off the pain.

I then saw a physiotherapist, a chiropractor and an osteopath but nothing seemed to be working. The pain was making me take days off work and seriously interrupting my life.

On the 29th September I forced myself to go out to a business diner and was in a lot of discomfort. At this meeting, I met Dianne who introduced me to Q Magnets. Most of the pain was in the lymph nodes under the arm and into the breast and shoulder blades. Dianne had a Q Magnet with her and some tape and she showed me where to place it while we were in the restaurant. I experienced pain relief from 7-8/10 to 2-3/10 within just 2-3 minutes – I could hardly believe it!

After experiencing immediate relief with just one Q Magnet, this lasted for a few days. I then purchased two more devices and used them under my arm pit for a couple of weeks. I then kept one under the arm pit and moved the other just under the shoulder blade.

After a few weeks of using the Q Magnets, I became very confident with them and would take them off for a day at a time. Then my husband took them for relief from a work injury. Now I can be without them for 2-3 days and when I feel the pain coming back, I tape them back on – one under the arm pit and the other at the base of the shoulder blade. When the pain returns, it is still the same except no where near as intense. The only difficulty in using the Q Magnets has been the tape and I am now looking at a brace that I can sew them into.

Stephanie Kennar
Women in Mortgage Business Network
WIMBN Manager
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