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Magnetic Field Therapy – Paradoxically, few people are actually well informed about it

In a journey through the history of magnetotherapy, Giordano, et al. (2009) concluded that…

Magnetotherapy has been applied and continues to be applied in many branches and fields of medicine,


Magnetotherapy has so many fields of application in medicine, we may therefore ask why doubts, prejudice and limitations to its therapeutic use still exist? The answer may be that although many people prescribe and use magnetotherapy, paradoxically, few people are actually well informed about it.


When you understand the history of magnetic therapy, it’s easy to see where the doubts, prejudices and limitations to its therapeutic use originated.

But, what could people possibly have against a therapy that is…

  1. Simple
  2. Drug free
  3. Non-addictive
  4. Non-invasive
  5. Painless
  6. Safe
  7. With an immediate and local effect
  8. Performed at home
  9. Paid for by the individual; and
  10. Based on scientific evidence

And by a listed medical device that…

  1. Requires little expertise
  2. Is relatively inexpensive
  3. Has no moving parts
  4. Requires little care or maintenance
  5. Lasts for decades
  6. Consumes no energy; and
  7. When not in use, can be used to keep notices stuck to the fridge!

Why would anyone not seek to support the development of such a therapy?


Giordano, N., et al. (2009) “Magnetotherapy – a brief excursion through the centuries.” Environmentalist (2009) 29:157–160. doi:10.1007/s10669-009-9228-2


Part of history! Image below from a Canadian customer who documented his personal experience with Q Magnets.












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